Multimedia StoryTelling

By the students of MCJ300 at The University of Southern Mississippi

Posts Tagged ‘poll

New Survey Results Provide Insight on Muslim Ideals

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Researchers at the PEW Research Center have recently completed a survey that reports on the thoughts of an often under-reresented group, those who belong to the Islam religion. This article that I found on The Economist‘s website summarizes the important results, but you can see the complete results of the poll here.

This poll and its results are important because of the variety of questions (the topics range from the separation of mosque and state to the fate of nonbelievers). The article itself is significant because it shows that there is a demand to know what minorities think and believe about the government in their country and how it should be run. It is also worded compellingly enough to make me want to read it in its entirety, even though it seems like a less than intriguing topic. Overall, I feel like this is a good example of how to report on subjects and make it interesting.

Written by jessicaeking

May 1, 2013 at 5:32 am