Multimedia StoryTelling

By the students of MCJ300 at The University of Southern Mississippi

Love on the Spectrum

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Jack Robison and Kirsten Lindsmith are two college students that live in Greenfield, Mass. Both Robison and Lindsmith have been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome which is a high functioning form of Autism. In this video Robison and Lindsmith discuss how living with Autism affects their lives and their relationship as a couple. This video allows viewers to see what a relationship is like for these two individuals as opposed to a relationship with the typical couple.

Written by dustiredness24

September 17, 2012 at 5:05 am

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  1. A few things to note about this video: Notice the way a voice over was used to set the scene in a more broadcast TV way. Also, notice how this video showed people what it is like to have Asperger’s while diffusing some of the stereotypes about it. Do you think that worked better as a video than it might in text only?


    September 17, 2012 at 3:18 pm

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